Feb 24, 2009

skandal? jeng jeng jeng! ;D

pd mlm 21 feb 09..
keboringan melanda diriku.

lalu aku usha2 la nombor2 di contacts ku.
aku m'cari mgse utk b'msj.haha!
kemudian t'nmpk nama 'ckg khairi'!

dgn tdk sgje aku t'igt aku tdk pulg kan cd kat die agi.
cd aerobik die yg aku pinjam thun lps.haha! kasihan..

aku pon brni kan diri msj die.
ayat bohong nih.haha!
"salam ckg khairi, td sy kms2 bilik, t'nmpk cd aerobik ckg, sy lupe pulg kan loh"

die rply!!yes yes yes.haha!
"oh, patut la ckg cari xde, kat awk upe nye"

di pndk kan cte, esok nye die ajak jmpe sbb nak amek cd die tuh.
huyeh!!! korg mst pelek npe aku sgt xcted nak jmpe die.haha!
kerana....ckg tu ensem loh.kui4! :p

22 feb 2009, lebey kurg 6 ptg.
kami plan jmpe kat food court.

ckg x knl aku pon.
aku ler yg kne g kat die.yihaa!
pstu ktowg lepak jap. (ckg khairi, aku, nab & maymie)
borak borak borak..
seronot taw!haha

mkin ensem lak aku tgk ;D
ihiks! (gelak gedik)

ok la, itu aje.
jgn gosip2 taw.
ne thu die da ade tunang ke..
kan aku nnt akn di gelar perampas.!haha

tujuan nak jmpe die tu nak pulg kan cd je.
xde niat yg laen.ok!hehe..

ni gmba die,bagi sesapa yg x kenai die.
yg baju biru itu taw! :)
(ni gmba lame, time ari guru tahun lepas)

Feb 21, 2009

bergumbira di The Mines :)

today is sabtu. today's date is 21st feb 2009..cewah!

yeay!aku off nab off.kami da plan awal2 nak g mines.
so kite enjoy!! (bwt gaye kamala) haha.

aktiviti pertama : usha wayang, nak tgk cte Geng. full la puleks!
kami blah dr ctu.

aktiviti kedua : cucok diut jap. nak joli sakan la kate kan.hahaha!

iklan jap..
tett tet teet..(bunyi msj nabila)
"Boleh OT tak?"
from : Mr ling
wah!ggu btol boss ktowg nih.
nabila reply : "maaf. sy sdg beli barang dgn rafiqa.x boleh OT"
haha..pdn muko! :p

aktiviti ketiga : mkn mkn mkn. erpp! (sore jantan da kuar) haha

aktiviti keempat : setelah kekenyangan. exercise la..haha! g men boling la..hehe!
dpt la sblh lane ngn balaks encem,kui3! ;D
nabila mng plak.geram yg tidak terkira! haha

aktiviti kelima : mencari sua jeans utk dibeli.
jalan jalan jalan........jumpe!yes3! murah also cantek.hehe!

kami keletihan lalu berniat utk balik.
sampai la kami di rumah waktu maghrib.hehe!

ini gmba utk perasa mate korg yer.... :)

try topi berkelah..hehe

psst hye abg sweater.haha

jakun tak penah maen game.

bru lps try jeans..yer2,mmg ketat!haha

nabila : ku menunggu bas dgn tenang.. ;)

smntra tu amek gmba la.hehe!

Feb 7, 2009

Aika, Fahmi, Peah, Shuha, Sepet, Zubaidah & Adibahrisha!anda telah di tagged!

GAME TAGGED from leeyanaheartyou
Tagged from YANA :
A) People who have been tagged must write their answers in their blog.
B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz. (Those that are tagged cannot refuse.)
C) Continue this game by tagging 8 other people

2. Fahmi
3. Peah
4. Shuha
5. Sepet
6. Zubaidah
7. Adibahrisha
8. Rafiqa haha

-What have you been doing recently?
crying tanpa sebab.haha

-Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
penah..kalo malas nak charge bateri ;D

-What happened at 10am today?
tengok one tree hill.

-When did you last cry?
ketika ku bersedey.cewah! :p

-Believe in fate/destiny?
yup! kalo jodoh ku ngn Sultan Brunei, Alhamdulillah~ hik3! ;p

-What do you want in your life now?
nak hepi :)

-Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood?
sediakan payung sebelum ujan. (lalu nyi lagu Umbrella b'same Rihanna)

-What's your favourite thing to do on the bed?
pelok spongebob yg da lebam + wangi :p

-What bottoms are you wearing now?
kain pelikat.hik3 (tersipu malu)

-Whats the nicest things in your inbox?
mesej yg comei :)

-Do you tend to make the relationship complicated?
xde relationship, xde la complicated kan?hehe :)

-Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone?
ade ade..tp beliau x mara pon, bedal aje la.ahaha!

-What was the last movie you caught?
twilight..peh! ensem abeh hero nye ;D

-What are you proud of?
what i am proud of lah..ish,sng btol soalan nih.hehe!

-What does the oldest text msg in your inbox say?
msj 3 tahun lepas. mls nak buang2 nih..haha!

-What was the last song you sang out loud?
lagu UMNO..(nyi ngn Najib & Rosmah) haha

-Do you have any nicknames?
banyak la kot.. paling huduh skli ialah, 'bulu idong' haa..sila lah gelak!! ;D

-What does the newest text say?
from secret admirer..ishk3! (ngis t'haru krn ade secret peminat)

-What time did you go to bed last night?
pkl 12 kot..ngtok sgt nape tah, mkn pil kurus agk nye..haha!

Are you currently happy?
x pasti la. jap, nak tny diri sendiri jap.
"Rafiqa, ko hepi ke???" haha

-Who gives you the best advise?
myself! konpem x t'advise.haha!

-Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
cream ape nye???

-Who did you talk on the phone last night?
mak..mak tny, da abes keje lom? :p

-Is something bugging you know
cant imagine bout that!

-Who was the last person to make you laugh?
Umar..klaka la ini budak!

Feb 6, 2009

Muhammad Umar yg chumil :)

sori la korg..
lmbt bg inform ttg anak buah baru aku nih :p

tanggal 26 January, lahir lah bdk kecik yg bername.
Muhammad Umar....

nah gmba utk tatapan korg.

Umar : "jgn ggu sy tido lah!" :p

muke terpeleot..kui3!

ajar Umar bergamba cara myspace.ahaha!

bwt style makro..ececeh..;D